THE MYSTERY COUPLE As a little girl growing up in the Smoky Mountains of Western North Carolina I had the privilege of growing up in same house my Daddy was born in. His parents built this home in 1899. His sister, Ruth was born in our house in 1900. In 1917, my Daddy was born in this house. I was a later in life child as my Daddy was 45 years old when I was born. My Daddy and Mama inherited our home upon the death of Daddy's mama, Callie Dickey. Her husband passed away in the late 1940's. For some reason, my parents decided not to part with some of the items collected over the years. We did not use the upstairs of our mountain home built of oak and secured on a foundation of local river rocks. Our home had a tin roof and when it rained the sound was glorious to me. I loved climbing the narrow stairs on rainy days to search through old trunks, play with antiques such as my grandmother's sewing machine, boxes of old records, and an old stovepipe hat once worn by a grandfathe...