
Showing posts from August, 2023

Silkie Chickens As Pets....

This is Martha. She was a gift to my husband when he asked for Silkie Chickens about three years back. Well, to be honest, two baby chicks were purchased for him for Christmas. He named them Mary and Martha. Mary did not survive. That was a very sad day. If you will recall, Marco Polo, wrote about chickens in his travels to China. They were bred to be docile and gentle. Martha is living proof of such breeding. She is easy to pick up, loves her owners, and has such a gentle and docile countenance. As a pet, Martha does not require much work. My husband selected a nice coop for her with a gate to keep her safe and contained. She enjoys being outside during the long sunlight hours here in Southern California. She struts her stuff! Friends who come to visit light up with smiles and glee at her cuteness and her perpetual SWAG!! Martha is a champagne color. This means she produces champagne colored eggs. My husband says they are delicious. One of my girlfriends made a beautiful omelette from...

God the Florist

  It's another spectacular day here in sunny southern California. We are daily blessed with azure blue skies, birds, butterflies, and bumblebees. But the most extraordinary thing happens to be our gorgeous abundance of a variety of flowers. I like to imagine God created his garden of flowers in Eden knowing in his infinite wisdom how much the birds, bees, and butterflies would enjoy all the brilliant reds, yellows, purples, whites, and orange shades of wonder. How much fun God must have had making flowers of all shapes and sizes for his creation to enjoy. As an artist, no one has ever outdone our master and creator.  Did God think ahead to all the uses people would have for flowers? I think of weddings, anniversaries, Thanksgiving and Christmas tables, birthday flowers, and even funerals. My mind wanders back to my early years as I pick wildflowers for my mother. I am not too far from the house, and I discover Queen Anne's Lace, Black Eyed Susans, and daisies growing in the th...

Emotional Mayhem....

What exactly do people worry about? Do they worry about the past, present, or future? Are emotions fickle for many people? I remember a very long time ago sitting on the edge of a bathtub and telling myself I did not have any "problems" at that point in time. Keep in mind I was in the fifth grade. What really does a fifth grader have to worry about? I also recall worrying for months it might rain on my eighth-grade field trip. Every day I studied the clouds just sensing it would indeed pour forth a Noah's Ark flood of rain on the very day meant for eighth graders to celebrate the upcoming transition to high school. When that glorious day arrived though tinged a bit by my persistent worry; the clouds held back. Sure, it was overcast as days can be in late spring in the mountains. However, I had a great time with friends even when a few drops fell on my face. During college I detested multiple choice exams. I thrived on short answers and essays as writing was something I en...