Silkie Chickens As Pets....

This is Martha. She was a gift to my husband when he asked for Silkie Chickens about three years back. Well, to be honest, two baby chicks were purchased for him for Christmas. He named them Mary and Martha. Mary did not survive. That was a very sad day.

If you will recall, Marco Polo, wrote about chickens in his travels to China. They were bred to be docile and gentle. Martha is living proof of such breeding. She is easy to pick up, loves her owners, and has such a gentle and docile countenance.

As a pet, Martha does not require much work. My husband selected a nice coop for her with a gate to keep her safe and contained. She enjoys being outside during the long sunlight hours here in Southern California. She struts her stuff! Friends who come to visit light up with smiles and glee at her cuteness and her perpetual SWAG!!

Martha is a champagne color. This means she produces champagne colored eggs. My husband says they are delicious. One of my girlfriends made a beautiful omelette from Martha's eggs. I still can't eat them. It has something to do with her being our pet.

At night Marth sleeps in the garage in our old bunny hutch. Bunny Tula, now in rabbit heaven ,no longer needs her hutch. Martha knows  it is bedtime when she is brought inside to rest. In the early am she gently clucks her desire to spend her sunny hours outside. Rain is not her favorite weather. Heavy rain means she has to spend the day inside. Elvis, my tortoise of two years, is not the best company in his aquarium near Martha. Elvis is a bit of an introvert.

One of our sons babysits both Martha and Elvis when we go on vacation. Martha makes something of a mess in her hutch. Let's just say she has no issues with her digestion. She is regular.

If you are looking for an easy to manage pet, then Silkies are the pet for you. You will get eggs and can claim farm to table. I love looking out our family room window observing Martha strutting in her hutch. She maintains a busy schedule digging and pecking in the dirt. Her ears are alert to the sounds of nature. 

When I sit down by Martha's hutch and speak to her she stops her activities. She moves a bit closer and studies me briefly. She is not skittish. I would even say she is friendly. She tilts her head from side to side as if making sense of my conversation. It's nice to be understood by a pet!


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