The Warmth of Iceland

Iceland was on my bucket list, but I can now cross it off. But it is difficult to cross off Iceland for it is more different than anywhere I have ever visited. Driving past a "lava field" from a recent only weeks old volcano made me sit up very straight. Volcanos do explode. It does take time for that hot molten lava to cool as I witnessed with my own eyes the steam rising near our tour bus. 

On we traveled to the Blue Lagoon. Walking down the path with other bucket listers I braced the wind bravely knowing I was soon to visit a place I had seen many photos of over the years. Seeing is believing as I gazed at the unusually beautiful blue water with froth bubbling up like whipped cream. 

Tectonic plates looked something like my childhood textbook and there they were on another trek through the idyllic beauty of Iceland. They do exist. I thought of all the photographers over time who took in this majesty so children could study it miles and miles away. Here I stood. This too is very real. I tried to think of something they resemble, but oddly they only look like tectonic plates.

The waterfalls were way past gorgeous. Just the sound of their crashing laughter made chills go down my body. The purity of the water as it roared past was like the voice of God calling out to all of us begging us to come closer and just listen attentively. I have seen waterfalls, but these are stupendous. A thing of grand and glorious beauty. It was hard to take it in but there I stood deeply breathing the fresh and clean air.

The people are simply the best! They are warm, welcoming, honest, proud, and happy. They appreciate their outdoors in summer and winter. The clothing sold all over cities in Iceland is a testament to the fierce love these people hold as they warm people with hand knitted sweaters in folklore patterns and scarves and mittens adorned with puffins, sheep, even an occasional Viking.

Those Vikings. Speaking of them how durable, smart, and courageous they must have been to go exploring perhaps sensing something beautiful and untouched by people lay within their grasp. In a distant way because of them I am here now exploring. Viewing replicas of their boats and pondering those long voyages gave me pause to reflect on my conformable travel today. Their grit and fortitude deserve immense respect. 

My husband and I often comment about the water. It tastes better than back home. I gulp it eagerly enjoying the refreshing and invigorating taste of some of the purist water on earth. Add a little ice in a cozy restaurant and you feel incredibly spoiled by this necessity of life. The food too is a delight with an assortment of cod, salmon, even whale accompanied by tasty vegetables and always a fresh-faced smiling server. My southern upbringing brings up my usual request for ice with my water. Our server responds with sincerity and concern delivering a glass with a gripper for my ice cubes. It is nice to be understood even when I am far from home.

We are heading to the airport now. Our long cruise through Belgium, Amsterdam, Norway, and Iceland has come to a close. I can check Iceland off my bucket list,

but it will stay with me for a lifetime. It is vibrant, untamed, lovely, picturesque, and it will be a friend to all who visit.


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