Emotional Mayhem....

What exactly do people worry about? Do they worry about the past, present, or future? Are emotions fickle for many people? I remember a very long time ago sitting on the edge of a bathtub and telling myself I did not have any "problems" at that point in time. Keep in mind I was in the fifth grade. What really does a fifth grader have to worry about?
I also recall worrying for months it might rain on my eighth-grade field trip. Every day I studied the clouds just sensing it would indeed pour forth a Noah's Ark flood of rain on the very day meant for eighth graders to celebrate the upcoming transition to high school. When that glorious day arrived though tinged a bit by my persistent worry; the clouds held back. Sure, it was overcast as days can be in late spring in the mountains. However, I had a great time with friends even when a few drops fell on my face.
During college I detested multiple choice exams. I thrived on short answers and essays as writing was something I enjoyed. I would chew furiously on my eraser between A, B, C, or D. My brain conjured up thoughts of lazy professors who took the easy out creating these sorts of exams. They were not really challenging us students. The stress was perplexing.
Anxiety, stress, and worry appear to be at an all-time high today. Pick up any magazine and there are articles regarding how to lower your stress. Medications are prescribed to treat acute anxiety. People tell us to pray it away. Somehow you are not really spiritual if you "let" things of this life get to you.
I've known people who appear to have no blood pressure. They move from season to season in life without a care in the world. I am not one of those people. I think a lot. I pray a lot. I worry. Sometimes, I worry a lot more than is probably good for me.
We are told by the experts to engage in everything from exercise to meditation to counseling. I agree that exercise does help me. I might come back still with something on my mind but doggone I am trimmer. Whatever meditation is I'm not really sure. I only know how to pray.
And so, I pray. I talk to God about everything. Help me find the beautiful bracelet my wonderful husband gave me that I lost. Watch over my kids, Lord. Give comfort to those I care about who are suffering. Help those I don't know who are suffering.
Maybe the emotional mayhem of worry is that we are connected to something. We are connected to the problems of this world. We are connected to people we love. We see a world of suffering which makes us feel tiny and inadequate. We wish we were bigger, stronger, and able to fix things.
I know I can't fix it. So, I pray.
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