God the Florist


It's another spectacular day here in sunny southern California. We are daily blessed with azure blue skies, birds, butterflies, and bumblebees. But the most extraordinary thing happens to be our gorgeous abundance of a variety of flowers.

I like to imagine God created his garden of flowers in Eden knowing in his infinite wisdom how much the birds, bees, and butterflies would enjoy all the brilliant reds, yellows, purples, whites, and orange shades of wonder. How much fun God must have had making flowers of all shapes and sizes for his creation to enjoy. As an artist, no one has ever outdone our master and creator. 

Did God think ahead to all the uses people would have for flowers? I think of weddings, anniversaries, Thanksgiving and Christmas tables, birthday flowers, and even funerals. My mind wanders back to my early years as I pick wildflowers for my mother. I am not too far from the house, and I discover Queen Anne's Lace, Black Eyed Susans, and daisies growing in the thick meadow. I exert my energy pulling these beauties from the ground to organize them into a bouquet. When I later hand them to my mother her smile erupts like a volcano of love.

When I take my daily walk, I enjoy seeing my neighbors' yards adorned with flowers in rows, flowers by mailboxes, flowers in pots, and even floral vines creeping along garages. I admire this feast of eye candy, which makes my walk more pleasant and encourages me to keep my yard nicely groomed as well. 

The ultimate compliment is when a neighbor you don't know knocks on your door asking if they can have a shoot from your plumeria tree. The fresh scent of plumeria and their island glory of blooms is one of my favorite summer sensations. Now, I know a new neighbor as well. 

My hanging baskets on our small entry way are warm and friendly. Their hot pink blossoms giggle a greeting to whoever rings our doorbell. I always hope the delivery people enjoy them. Flowers have a welcome manner about them begging others to come on inside and stay for a visit.  The breeze blowing against their leaves is like a blanket of comfort.

My gardener, like God, has a green thumb. When I discover a perennial flower that pleases me, I ask him to plant it somewhere. Usually, it is in the backyard. I prefer perennials since they return each year. They seem to get stronger each passing year like children growing up.

I'm so thankful God made all the flowers. I don't know what I would do without them in my life. They remind me that God is majestic, all-powerful, and that he controls the universe. Flowers remind me to thank God for who he is, and for his attributes of compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and his wisdom. 

Yes, God knew what he was up to when he created flowers. 


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