I love the season of fall. I was blessed to live in a part of the country as a child and during college where fall was brilliantly clothed with shades of amber, crimson, mustard, and tangerine. The trees were so vibrant with a voice that daily sang the miraculous creation of our world. 

Today, I live in the warm and sunny climate of southern California. I appreciate the lack of anything remotely resembling coldness. But I do miss the glorious days of fall and the crunch of leaves beneath my feet on long walks in the woods. There is something spectacular about the mystery of how God makes all things beautiful in their own way.

I have similar feelings about the ocean. The sound of crashing waves billowing toward me always make me feel inspired and refreshed. The frothy water laps at my toes like the tongue of a puppy. I feel small when I am at the ocean just as I feel small surrounded by acres of trees in the mountains. 

Nature brings me closer to God. It always has. In my finite wisdom I recognize only God controls the changing of the leaves and the seasons. Only God can control the waves of an ocean. Just try it. Have you ever been able to tell the sea to be silent? Can you call upon the trees to transition from green to red? Because God is the maker of the universe, he controls every aspect of his creation. 

I do feel small in God's created world. I am merely a speck in the greater scheme of this world. Yet, God reached out and designed me as well. He shaped my coloring. He even gave me a voice like no other person. I am just as unique as the fall leaves or the ocean. God is so masterful!

When I take my walks for exercise, I often busy myself checking out my surroundings. It never ceases to amaze me how many beautiful things God has created for us to enjoy. Taking the time to enjoy so many infinite wonders of God's stunning glory always takes my breath away. I pause and reflect on designs, symmetry, heights, strength, vastness, and an avid array of colors.

How far and vast are the wonders of God. So, this fall wherever you live enjoy this season of fall. Stare for a while at the baskets of mums gathered on someone's front porch. Revel in the crisp scents of fall and allow all your senses to appreciate the goodness of God in creating such a beautiful world for us to enjoy. When God had finished creating this world he said, "It is good." And it is. 


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