Gazing at the ocean is an activity of vast wonder and sublime beauty.  During a recent respite visit to our favorite local beach, I spent about ten minutes mesmerized by a precious hummingbird circling bushes of bright yellow flowers. This tiny creature would leave and return again in mere seconds dipping its long beak into the center of a blossom near my feet as I lazily sat in a beach chair.

Sitting there with the sound of the ocean nearby and the scent of salt water helped me focus on being present in the moment. This moment blocked out any intrusive thoughts or plans in my typically overloaded brain. I peered curiously at something so small and yet so effective and determined. That hummingbird flew away, but just kept returning. 

I wondered what lesson I could learn here on this glorious and uncomplicated beach where this little hummingbird enjoyed an existence of nature and nurture. How small it appeared in such a vast universe, and yet, how perfectly provided for by nature. I felt very soothed watching this miracle creature engaging in instinct and survival. 

I began to recognize how simple in beauty, yet complicated in existence is the very life of both people and the wildfire surrounding us. My memories floated back across time, and I am sitting on a bank of a river watching otters hard at work building a dam. I recalled a spring day when I chased a butterfly with intricate patterns of yellow and gold. That butterfly led me over a meadow and back into a pasture. I tried breathlessly to keep up, but finally my butterfly was gone. 

I often don't expect to find much at the beach other than fluttering seagulls. Even the shells from the Pacific Ocean are a bit disappointing. Being here close to the ocean and having this gift of observance was totally unexpected. I fell quickly in love with my hummingbird friend. 

After returning home I planted more flowers in my garden. A long time ago a neighbor once shared how much hummingbirds like bright colors like reds, yellows, and purples.

Being more still and present, I hope to blissfully enjoy these captivating moments given to me by a world with a creator who makes all things beautiful. I don't have to look very far. Wherever I go there are wonders to be pondered and moments to store away in my memory. The little girl who chased butterflies and spied on otters can still get up close and personal. She truly is "in the moment."


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